About Us

Data Infrastructure

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IT Cloud Integration

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Product Engineering

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We run all kinds of IT services
that vow your success

Zentec IT Survices

Let Us Be Your Next Pre- ferred IT Partner.

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  • Various Analysis Options
  • Page Load Details (time, size, number of requests)
  • Waterfall, Video and Report History
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Quality Numbers

We have Some Number of Great Achievements


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Satisfied Clients


Experienced Staff


Awards Win

Expert Team

Our Professional Team Working for Your Business

Humphrey Bogart


Jhon Marsk


Stefen Rot

  • ENTITY: PRIVATE  LIMITED  COMPANY (Under Sec 8 of Companies Act, 2013)
  • SECTOR: Social  Services – (NGO)
  • Registered: Under  12 A of  Income Tax Act – Social Services, Under 80 G of Income Tax Act – CSR Fund & Donation
  • SOCIAL SERVICES: Environmental Protection, Energy Conservation, Health & Education
Why Choose Zentec

Why Our Customers
Choose Us?

Helpdesk Support

We can fix all types of residential and commercial garage doors.

Expert Members

We can fix all types of residential and commercial garage doors.

Creative Solutions

We can fix all types of residential and commercial garage doors.

Lifetime Access

We can fix all types of residential and commercial garage doors.

Tecnology Skills

Pay for Qualified Traffic & Great Success.

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SEO Audit
Zentec IT Survices

Frequently Asked Questions


How Does Zentec Work?

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How does Your Pricing Work?

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How Does Saas Work?

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To develop and implement environmental protection, energy conservation and improving health & literacy for future generation.


  • To improve the environmental quality of our community by partnering with area resident, community leaders and neighbors to work together to create a clean and safe place to live and to have literacy for future generations.
  • To preserve and, where possible, restore the integrity of natural systems -- soils, water, air, and biological diversity.
    • To undertake and execute services & proposals of Government/Local bodies/PSU.

Zentec IT Survices

Preparing for Your Success, we Provide
Truly Prominent IT Solutions.


Vice-president have served in NGO sector and have a vast experience in Social Environmental Protection (Solid Waste, bio-compose, bio-energy, bio-mining) and in Energy Conservation (Hydro, Solar & Bio-Gas based) and social welfare activities in Health & Education.

Managing Director is a first generation, young volunteer, have master degree in management and technically skilled in Grid engineering with an innovative & updated technology to serve for the vision of  NGO.

Any Queries? Don’t Hesitate feel free to Make a Call

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